I hate to say that time is running out, but I am planning to make a plan for the coming weekends; there are still so many things I would like to experience or repeat before leaving Kenya in the summer... Since it had been a while since I last camped, and even longer since I had been to Amboseli, a combination was good! Heavy rain as we left Nairobi on Saturday morning made us laugh self-ironicly, not having too high expectations about the tent part of the trip. It kept raining as we were driving and Marianne kept encouraging Daylan and myself, saying that the weather forecast promised sunshine after 3 p.m. And the forecast was pretty right! We only had a few drops as we had our coffee break on top of the Observation Hill.

The camp site was not too far from the Observation Hill and our plan was to go there and put up the tent, and then have an evening game drive before dinner. But pitching the tent was quite a challenge. The tent was borrowed from the Norwegian school, and we had not checked it before leaving. In addition to the tent poles being much used, broken and taped together again, the tent turned out to lack tent pegs completely. Luckily there was a Maasai who was very willing to whittle us some sticks that we could use. So, after some struggle we managed to put up the tent well enough. But then we had a fight against the wind...

It was pretty obvious that we could not have another game drive and leave the tent behind, so instead we looked for the most windless spot we could find and moved the tent. It was easier to put up this time... After all the work the barbeque and relaxing in comfortable chairs around the bonfire was well deserved. We were lucky that it did not rain at all during the night, since it is likely that water would have leaked into the old tent. The morning was cloudy, so we were happy that we had got a glimpse of Kilimanjaro the day before. But during our morning game drive, all of a sudden it cleared up. I have never ever seen the mountain like that before! A mighty sight!! (Hard to catch in a picture, though.)

After having enjoyed the stunning sight of the highest mountain in Africa, game was only extra bonus. And we had lots of bonus, too....

Back at the camp Marianne did a good job by the fire, making us eggs and bacon. Meanwhile Daylan did a good job cleaning up the mess after the velvet monkeys that had been visiting our tent when we had been out on the game drive. Impressing how they had been able to unzip layers to get into the tent, and even open a backpack and find the food that was in there! (You wonder what
I was doing? Taking pictures, of course :o)

I can´t think of a better way of ending a camping trip than having a looong breakfast in the sunshine, by the base of Mount Kilimanjaro!